Art Against War, an online auction uniting artists, musicians, and writers in solidarity with Ukrainian civilians affected by the ongoing conflict, launches December 26, 2024.
The auction, running through January 7, 2025, offers over 100 unique items. Highlights include exclusive artwork, signed vinyl records, autographed books, and tickets to concerts and events. Each contribution is a step toward providing humanitarian relief to those in need. Bidders not only have the opportunity to obtain rare and valuable items but also actively contribute to meaningful humanitarian efforts during a period of significant challenge.
The success of Art Against War is built upon the dedication of a diverse group of volunteers. These individuals come from various backgrounds, all united by a shared mission to provide relief for those impacted by the war. Their tireless efforts include coordinating with artists to secure auction items, managing the logistics of the online platform, and spreading the word to ensure widespread participation. Their contributions go far beyond time and effort; they bring passion, expertise, and a determination to make a tangible difference in the lives of Ukrainian civilians.
Group 36, acting as the fiscal sponsor for Art Against War, works diligently to allocate every dollar raised with transparency and effectiveness. By drawing on their extensive experience in project oversight and management, Group 36 applies donations to their intended purpose through seamless administrative processes, meticulous tracking of funds, and public reporting to uphold accountability and foster donor trust. Their efforts play an important role in maximizing the impact of humanitarian initiatives and ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently without unnecessary overhead costs.
Proceeds will go to two projects:
Rubikus.helpUA - "We evacuate Ukrainians to Europe from combat and occupied zones. For people whose lives are in danger, we help them reach places where they can sleep peacefully without the fear of sirens or strikes. All funds are spent on renting evacuation buses, paying for tickets, accommodations, and medical transportation for refugees."
Let’s Help - "We assist residents of frontline territories by providing humanitarian aid, food, and internet access. For those left homeless by missile strikes, we offer shelter, warmth, food, and resources to help them through the initial period. Additionally, we rescue animals from combat zones, provide medical care, and find them new homes."
“This initiative exemplifies the power of community and creativity,” said Alex Davis, Group 36 Chairman of the Board. “By joining forces, we can deliver real support to those enduring unimaginable hardship.”
Art Against War was created to mobilize the artistic community and channel their talents into actionable change, inspiring others to support humanitarian causes through similar initiatives. The project represents a growing movement within the creative industry to use art as a means of fundraising. By contributing works, artists not only support Ukrainian civilians but also extend their message to audiences far beyond traditional media.
“Art has the power to inspire change and bring communities together,” said Dimitry Dikman, Group 36 CEO. “Through this auction, we’re not only raising funds but also spreading a message of hope.”
The global nature of the Art Against War initiative invites participation from supporters worldwide. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a music lover, or someone looking to make a difference, there’s something for everyone in this auction. Items are available for bidding through a user-friendly platform, ensuring that anyone can take part regardless of their location.
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